Thursday, August 31, 2006

Finishing Up Storm Drain System

DeBernard Construction puts finishing touches to the the storm drain system. The remaining activity is to construct the poured concrete flume, which will carry away the storm water and prevent erosion. That effort is expected to complete after the Labor Day Holiday.

Friday, August 25, 2006

Site Work Proceeding

DeBernard Construction expects to complete the site work required by the county on Wednesday, August 30th so that work can resume on the new building. Progress has been slower than expected due to an old nemesis - unsuitable soil. A small area of old fill had to be replaced in order to finish the storm drain system. In the photo the new fill is being laid and compacted.

Tuesday, August 15, 2006

Construction Delayed

Work on the Family Life Center has halted until our new excavation contractor completes several site work items required by the county. The new excavator is DeBernard Construction, who is now under contract. DeBenard is expected to start work as early as tomorrow and we expect construction to resume on the building by next week.

Our builder, JH Batten, changed excavation contractors due to performance issues with the original contractor.

Tuesday, August 01, 2006

The Big Picture

Here is the new Family Life Center shown next to the sanctuary. The shingles are stacked on the roof ready for installation. According to rumor the roofer is waiting for some cooler weather before starting. In the meantime the plumber has started to install the overhead piping.