Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Parking Lot Paved

Goodloe Paving is shown as they pave our new parking lot. Striping is scheduled for this Friday. Meanwhile DeBenard construction has commenced grading of the turn lane. Inside finishing touches are proceeding rapidy. The fire alarm system is finished and testing of communications with the monitoring service commenced today. Landscaping can proceed now that paving is finished.

Friday, June 08, 2007

Final Grading

Our excavation contractor is performing final grading on the parking lot. Paving should begin soon. The gravel for the left turn lane at the eastern entrance has been delivered and construction will start shortly. Inside the electrician is completing hook up of the fire alarm system. The range hood is installed in the kitchen and lacks only the vent duct and outside fan motor. The regular monthly Shiloh business meeting held on 5 June was conducted in the new Fellowship Hall. Everything is fully functional except for the kitchen.

Saturday, June 02, 2007

Watering the New Lawn

The landscape contractor has started. The area in front of the new Family Life Center has been sodded. Many trees and shrubs will follow. Inside, we are about 99% completed. Ducting of the range hood in the kitchen and hook-up of the fire alarm system remain. Outside, landscaping, paving of the parking lot, and creating the left-turn lane remain.